About Us
Ulladulla Gymnastics Club is a not for profit, volunteer committee organisation. Our club has been successfully operating for over 30+ years and all our coaches, volunteer their time and knowledge. We are forever grateful for all the hours these coaches have put into our sport over the years.
We originally started operating in local school halls and at the Milton basketball stadium, every class, the equipment would be set up and then packed away. We always dreamed about walking into a set up Gymnasium.
Fast forward to 2021, with a lot of hard work and determination, we were extremely fortunate to move into our new space at the Dunn Lewis centre! Here we have been able to set up a phenomenal facility complete with a sprung floor, foam pit, built in trampoline, new equipment and fresh ideas!
Our Kindergym classes are for children aged 1-4 years.
Kindergym classes give children the opportunity to reach their potential, practice skills and actively solve problems. Kindergym classes for young participants and their care providers are developed in alignment with researched principles on physical literacy and early childhood development.
The classes provide an environment for children to develop physical and cognitive skills in a fun and playful way, at their own rate through guided exploration.Packed with activities to develop gross and fine motor skills, music and rhythm, success, and challenges, KinderGym classes are designed to develop physical literacy in the whole child - socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically.
Watch your child grow in confidence and skill as they explore an environment that is safe, stimulating, and fun.
Upon arrival, you will have a short period of free play while all our friends arrive to gym. From there, we will all come together and complete our warmup dance together and run through what exciting activities we will be doing in our circuit for the day.
Upon completion, we will come back together, sit and sing some songs and receive our ever important, stickers!
Parents are required to walk around with their little gymnast and aid them throughout the activities.
Class times:
Mondays - 930am, 1015am, 11am - BOOKING REQUIRED
Wednesdays - 930am, 1015am, 11am - BOOKING REQUIRED

Recreational Gymnastics is for children aged 4+.
This class is coaches and students only and here we extend our abilities with structure, skills, co-ordination, & listening.
Our children will complete a warm-up as a big group then move off into small groups and rotate throughout the different apparatus that have been arranged for the day.
Recreational gymnasts participate in; Bars, Beam, Floor, Vault, Mini Tramp & Big Trampoline.
Recreational gymnastics is open to both boys and girls. You can find more info about which time would be suitable for your child under our 'Timetable/Fees' tab.
Class times:
4pm - 4, 5 & 6 year olds - BOOKING REQUIRED
445pm - 7, 8 & 9 year olds - BOOKING REQUIRED
530pm - boys & mixed age - BOOKING REQUIRED
Tuesdays -
4pm - mixed age recreational children - BOOKING REQUIRED
Our Trampoline classes are held on a Wednesday evening for students aged approx 8 and above.
Here, our students are taught how to start, stop, rotate, twist and stick their skills in a safe manner. Safety is our number 1 priority and we pride ourselves in ensuring the children are aware of the correct way to complete their tricks.
Trampolining includes; Big Tramp, Double Mini Tramp, Mini Tramp & Tumbling.
Class Times
Monday - Advanced - 6:15pm - BOOKING REQUIRED
Wednesday - Beginner & Intermediate - 6pm - BOOKING REQUIRED